My Story
After the birth of my first daughter and the amazing support I received from my Doula, I knew I wanted to help other women achieve their best birth. I decided I could best help other women by becoming a Doula myself. Every woman deserves to feel loved and supported during this incredible journey to motherhood. I feel very honored to be invited into a laboring women's birthing space and my ultimate goal is to help moms to feel relaxed and empowered no matter what their birth choices are.

My Approach
I believe in providing unbiased education through information and resources on evidence-based best birth practices.
As the cornerstone of my doula practice, I seek to empower mothers and families to make decisions that are best for their individual pregnancy and birth. Each family I work with has unique needs and through asking questions and getting to know your personal story it's my goal to help you feel confident in the choices you make.
Labor and birth is a very vulnerable time and it can be challenging for even the most outspoken and confident woman and her partner to speak up for their needs. As your doula, I will advocate for your wishes with your birthing team so you feel heard and respected during this intimate time.